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· 2 min read
Drew Robson

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Software development is a team sport, so any tool or process which helps individuals communicate better will improve the team’s performance. Images are an easy way to cut through confusion, but it can be difficult to get a visual representation of your Azure Infrastructure. Providing this visual representation is very helpful in presenting or analysing your current state infrastructure, so here’s an easy way to generate it via a command line tool.

Azure Visualizer, aka ‘AzViz’ is a PowerShell module which automatically generates Azure resource topology diagrams as an SVG.

· 2 min read
Drew Robson

My life is littered with the remenants of unfinished projects, multiple blogging attempts among them. What you are reading is just the latest attempt in what has always felt like a struggle. I choose a host and a platform, write a couple of posts then abandon it. I could never understand why this could or should be the case, until I cam across this post by Slava Akhmechet.

A few days ago I realized something. I don’t like writing.