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ICYMI | The Other Bubble

· One min read
Drew Robson

Well, have you ever used a piece of software at a company you work for that sucks? Was it sold by Microsoft, Salesforce, Google, Atlassian or another big SaaS company? Well, it was probably bought by somebody who doesn't use the software, and it'll cost far more to remove than your annoyance matters. The burdensome presence of software like Microsoft Teams or Salesforce Platform in your life is a result of these organizations using brand recognition to sell into your organization, and once they're in there, their sales teams exist to continually find ways to increase the revenue of each user. The people making the decisions about the software you use — usually C-level executives — are doing so based on a sales pitch tailored to them and their preconceptions of what your job is rather than any firm experience, and thus they will sign year(s) long contracts based on a great sales pitch and the financials that "make sense."

The Other Bubble